Admin Radar - 管理员雷达

汉化 Admin Radar - 管理员雷达 5.3.6

Map Markers​



  • Default Distance -> 500.0 (meters)
  • Default Refresh Time -> 5.0 (seconds)
  • Dropped Item Exceptions (list of items to not show when using /radar drops)
  • Latency Cap In Milliseconds (0 = no cap) -> 1000.0
  • Objects Drawn Limit (0 = unlimited) -> 250
  • Restrict Access To Steam64 IDs -> not configured (only users in this list will have access if configured, otherwise auth level will be required)
  • Restrict Access To Auth Level -> Auth Level 1
  • Chat Command -> radar (Alternate command to use /radar)
  • Barebones Performance Mode > false (disable all non-player related functionality)
  • Use Bypass Permission > This setting has been REMOVED
  • User Interface Enabled > true
  • Deactivate Radar After X Seconds Inactive -> 300 seconds
  • Deactivate Radar After X Minutes -> 0 minutes
  • Player Name Text Size (14)
  • Player Information Text Size (14)
  • Entity Name Text Size (14)
  • Entity Information Text Size (14)


  • Show Barrels And Crate Contents -> false
  • Show Airdrop Contents -> false
  • Show Stash Contents -> false
  • Draw Empty Containers -> true
  • Show Resource Amounts -> true
  • Only Show NPCPlayers At World View -> false (you will only see NPC players below the world when you are below the world, likewise for above the world)
  • Show X Items In Backpacks [0 = amount only] -> 3
  • Show X Items On Corpses [0 = amount only] -> 0
  • Show Authed Count On Cupboards -> true
  • Show Bag Count On Cupboards -> true

Additional Tracking​

  • Boats -> false
  • Bradley APC -> true
  • Cars -> false
  • CargoShips -> false
  • Helicopters -> true
  • Helicopter Rotor Health -> false
  • MiniCopters -> false
  • CH47 -> false
  • Ridable Horses -> false
  • RHIB -> false

Drawing Methods​

  • Draw Arrows On Players -> false
  • Draw Boxes -> false
  • Draw Text -> true

Drawing Distances (in meters)​

  • Airdrop Crates -> 400
  • Animals -> 200
  • Boats -> 150
  • Cars -> 500
  • Sleeping Bags -> 250
  • Boxes -> 100
  • Collectibles -> 100
  • Player Corpses -> 200
  • Players -> 500
  • Loot Containers -> 150
  • MiniCopter -> 150
  • NPC Players -> 300
  • Ridable Horse -> 250
  • Resources (Ore) -> 200
  • Stashes -> 200
  • Tool Cupboards -> 100
  • Tool Cupboard Arrows -> 250
  • Turrets -> 100
  • Vending Machines -> 250
  • Radar Drops Command (150 meters) - /radar drops

Group Limit​

  • Dead Color -> #ff0000
  • Draw Distant Players With X -> true
  • Group Color Basic -> #ffff00
  • Group Colors (list of colors per group)
  • Height Offset [0.0 = disabled] -> 0.0
  • Limit -> 4
  • Range -> 50.0
  • User Group Colors Configuration -> true

Player Movement Tracker​

  • Enabled -> false
  • Update Tracker Every X Seconds -> 1
  • Positions Expire After X Seconds -> 600
  • Max Reporting Distance -> 200 meters
  • Draw Time -> 60 seconds
  • Overlap Reduction Distance -> 5 meters

Color Hex Codes​

  • Color hex codes must start with # symbol. Any code not starting with # symbol will be considered a colored word: red, orange, white, etc.


  • Anchor Min > 0.667 0.020
  • Anchor Max > 0.810 0.148
  • Color Off > 0.29 0.49 0.69 0.5
  • Color On > 0.69 0.49 0.29 0.5

GUI -> Show Button ->​

  • Bags -> true
  • Boats -> false
  • Cars -> false
  • CargoShips -> false
  • CH47 -> false
  • Collectibles -> true
  • Dead -> false
  • Heli -> false
  • Loot -> true
  • MiniCopter -> false
  • NPC -> true
  • Ore -> true
  • Ridable Horses -> false
  • RigidHullInflatableBoats -> false
  • Sleepers -> true
  • Stash -> true
  • TC -> true
  • TC Arrow -> true
  • Turrets -> true

Voice Detection​

  • Enabled -> true
  • Timeout After X Seconds -> 3
  • Detection Radius -> 25.0