"Settings": {
"Use Teams": true,
"Use Clans": true,
"Use Friends": true,
"Use Entity Owners": true,
"Use Tool Cupboards (Strongly unrecommended)": false,
"Use Building Owners (You will need BuildingOwners plugin)": false,
"Remove Button": "FIRE_PRIMARY",
"Remove Interval (Min = 0.2)": 0.5,
"Only start cooldown when an entity is removed": false,
"RemoveType - All/Structure - Remove per frame": 20,//Reducing it can reduce server lag, but take longer to remove
"RemoveType - All/Structure - No item container dropped": true,//If false, it will drop
"RemoveType - Normal - Max Removable Objects - Exclude admins": true,
"RemoveType - Normal - Cooldown - Exclude admins": true,
"RemoveType - Normal - Check stash under the foundation": false,
"RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Enabled": false,//If true, the spawned entity before installing the plugin cannot be removed
"RemoveType - Normal - Entity Spawned Time Limit - Cannot be removed when entity spawned time more than it": 300.0, //Seconds
"Default Entity Settings (When automatically adding new entities to 'Other Entity Settings')": {
"Default Remove Allowed": true
"Container Settings": {
"Storage Container - Enable remove of not empty storages": true,
"Storage Container - Drop items from container": false,
"Storage Container - Drop a item container from container": true,
"IOEntity Container - Enable remove of not empty storages": true,
"IOEntity Container - Drop items from container": false,
"IOEntity Container - Drop a item container from container": true
"Remove Damaged Entities": {
"Enabled": false,
"Exclude Building Blocks": true,
"Percentage (Can be removed when (health / max health * 100) is not less than it)": 90.0
"Chat Settings": {
"Chat Command": "remove",
"Chat Prefix": "[RemoverTool]: ",
"Chat Prefix Color": "#00FFFF",
"Chat SteamID Icon": 0
"Permission Settings (Just for normal type)": {//You can add more permissions here. but "removertool.normal" is necessary
"removertool.normal": {
"Priority": 0,
"Distance": 3.0,
"Cooldown": 60.0,
"Max Time": 300,
"Remove Interval (Min = 0.2)": 1.0,
"Max Removable Objects (0 = Unlimited)": 50,//Maximum removable object each time the remover tool is enabled
"Pay": true,
"Refund": true,
"Reset the time after removing an entity": false
"removertool.vip": { // vip permission
"Priority": 1,
"Distance": 5.0,
"Cooldown": 30.0,
"Max Time": 300,
"Remove Interval (Min = 0.2)": 0.5,
"Max Removable Objects (0 = Unlimit)": 100,
"Pay": false,
"Refund": true,
"Reset the time after removing a entity": true
"Remove Type Settings": {
"Normal": {
"Display Name": "Normal",
"Distance": 3.0,
"Default Time": 60,
"Max Time": 300,
"Gibs": true,
"Reset the time after removing an entity": false
"Remove Mode Settings (Only one model works)": {
"No Held Item Mode": true, //Prevents the player from holding any item
"No Held Item Mode - Disable remover tool when you have any item in hand": true, //remover tool disabled if player holds item
"Melee Tool Hit Mode": false,
"Melee Tool Hit Mode - Item shortname": "hammer",
"Melee Tool Hit Mode - Item skin (-1 = All skins)": -1,
"Melee Tool Hit Mode - Auto enable remover tool when you hold a melee tool": false,
"Melee Tool Hit Mode - Requires a melee tool in your hand when remover tool is enabled": false,
"Melee Tool Hit Mode - Disable remover tool when you are not holding a melee tool": false,
"Specific Tool Mode": false,
"Specific Tool Mode - Item shortname": "hammer",
"Specific Tool Mode - Item skin (-1 = All skins)": -1,
"Specific Tool Mode - Auto enable remover tool when you hold a specific tool": false,
"Specific Tool Mode - Requires a specific tool in your hand when remover tool is enabled": false,
"Specific Tool Mode - Disable remover tool when you are not holding a specific tool": false
"NoEscape Settings": {
"Use Raid Blocker": false,
"Use Combat Blocker": false
"Image Urls (Used to UI image)": {
"economics": "https://i.imgur.com/znPwdcv.png",
"serverrewards": "https://i.imgur.com/04rJsV3.png"
"GUI": { },
"Remove Info (Refund & Price)": {
"Price Enabled": true,
"Refund Enabled": true,
"Refund Items In Entity Slot": true,//What is "Entity Slot": e.g. Code lock on the cupboard
"Allowed Building Grade": {
"Twigs": true, //Allow removal of Twigs
"Wood": true,
"Stone": true,
"Metal": true,
"TopTier": true
"Display Names (Refund & Price)": {
"telephone_5566": "Telephone", // item shortname skin id // If empty, the default item name will be displayed
"economics": "Economics", // custom currency
"Building Blocks Settings": {
"Foundation": {
"Display Name": "Foundation", //The name displayed on the RemoverToolUI
"Building Grade": {
"Twigs": {
"Price": {
"wood": {
"amount": 15,
"skinId": -1 // If less than 0, will ignore skin to take items
"Refund": {
"wood": {
"amount": 10,
"skinId": -1 // If less than 0, the item skin ID will be set based on the entity skin Id
"Other Entity Settings": {//If you want to add other entities, you can do so here
"fogmachine": { //entity short prefab name
"Remove Allowed": true, //Allows the entity to be remove
"Display Name": "Fogger-3000", //The name displayed on the RemoverToolUI
"Price": {},
"Refund": {
"fogmachine": {
"amount": 1,
"skinId": -1