
付费 Archery·魔法弓 2023-06-02

"Focus - Cost Reduction - Adept Archer reduce Focus cost by 1/": 4,
"Focus - Cost Reduction - Admin Permission Users reduce Focus cost by 1/": 1,
"Focus - Cost Reduction - Master Archer reduce Focus cost by 1/": 2,
"Focus - Focus Bar Color, default is greenish : ": "0.0 1.0 0.5 0.6",
"Focus - Gui Despawn time amount : ": 30,
"Focus - Recover this amount of focus per tick : ": 1,
"Focus - Recover this amount of focus per tick : ": 1,
"Focus - Starting Amount - Amount of Focus players starts with : ": 100,
"Focus - Tick Rate (higer number means slower recovery) : ": 10,
"Food - Allow Focus recovery by eating certain food ? ": true,
"Food - How much Focus will player recover if they eat Correct Foods ? ": 50,
"Food - recover Focus by eating Food ID 1 : ": 1734319168,
"Food - recover Focus by eating Food ID 2 : ": -202239044,
"Food - recover Focus by eating Food ID 3 : ": -2078972355,
"Food - recover Focus by eating Food ID 4 : ": 991728250,
"Icon URL - Fire Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - Fire Ball Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - Fire Bomb Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - Freeze Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - Harpoon Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - Poison Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Icon URL - ZipLine Arrow - URL string for icon : ": "",
"Level Req - Fire Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req - Fire Ball Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req - Fire Bomb Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req -Freeze Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req -Harpoon Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req -Poison Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Level Req -ZipLine Arrow - Level needed to use : ": 1,
"Shot Cooldown - Fire Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - Fire Ball Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - Fire Bomb Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - Freeze Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - Harpoon Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - Poison Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Cooldown - ZipLine Arrow : ": 60.0,
"Shot Damage - Fire Arrow Damage : ": 25.0,
"Shot Damage - Fire Ball Arrow Damage : ": 50.0,
"Shot Damage - Fire Bomb Arrow Damage : ": 75.0,
"Shot Damage - Poison Damage (per second) : ": 25.0,
"Shot Duration - Fire Arrow Duration : ": 4.0,
"Shot Duration - Fire Ball Arrow Duration : ": 4.0,
"Shot Duration - Fire Bomb Arrow Duration : ": 4.0,
"Shot Duration - Freeze Arrow Duration : ": 10.0,
"Shot Duration - Harpoon Arrow Duration : ": 60.0,
"Shot Duration - Poison Arrow Duration : ": 10.0,
"Shot Duration - ZipLine Arrow Duration : ": 60.0,
"Shot Focus Cost - Fire Arrow Focus Cost : ": 200,
"Shot Focus Cost - Fire Ball Arrow Focus Cost : ": 400,
"Shot Focus Cost - Fire Bomb Arrow Focus Cost : ": 800,
"Shot Focus Cost - Freeze Arrow Focus Cost : ": 800,
"Shot Focus Cost - Harpoon Arrow Focus Cost : ": 800,
"Shot Focus Cost - Poison Arrow Focus Cost : ": 200,
"Shot Focus Cost - ZipLine Arrow Focus Cost : ": 800,
"Shot Material - Harpoon Arrows uses estimated distance to set QTY of materials required (ie..50ft needs 50 rope) : ": true,
"Shot Material - ZipLine Arrows uses estimated distance to set QTY of materials required (ie..50ft needs 50 rope) : ": true,
"Shot Material ID - Fire Arrow requires this Item ID (default lowgrade fuel) : ": -946369541,
"Shot Material ID - Fire Ball Arrow requires this Item ID (default lowgrade fuel) : ": -946369541,
"Shot Material ID - Fire Bomb Arrow requires this Item ID (default lowgrade fuel) : ": -946369541,
"Shot Material ID - Freeze Arrow requires this Item ID (default sulfur) : ": -1581843485,
"Shot Material ID - Harpoon Arrow requires this Item ID (default rope) : ": 1414245522,
"Shot Material ID - Poison Arrow requires this Item ID (default spoiled human meat) : ": 1272768630,
"Shot Material ID - ZipLine Arrow requires this Item ID (default rope) : ": 1414245522,
"Shot Material QTY - Fire Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - Fire Ball Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - Fire Bomb Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - Freeze Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - Harpoon Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - Poison Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Shot Material QTY - ZipLine Arrow requires this qty of material to shoot (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
"Usage - AOE Shots only Effect Friends or Clan Members ? ": false