
付费 NPCTaxi·出租车 0.1.18

"Scrap cost per 1km travelled (permission -> cost)": [
"Permission": "npctaxi.use",
"Cost": 50
"Permission": "npctaxi.vip1",
"Cost": 25
"Permission": "npctaxi.vip2",
"Cost": 10
"Cost type (Scrap, ServerRewards, Economics)": "Scrap",
"Are taxi vehicles invincible?": true,
"Maximum allowed taxi's at any given time": 2,
"Maximum time the taxi will wait for the player to enter before leaving": 45,
"Amount of time from when the player leaves a taxi until they can call another one (seconds)": 60,
"Taxi Vehicle Settings": {
"Chassis Type (0 = TwoModule, 1 = ThreeModule, 2 = FourModule)": 1,
"Modules (item shortname)": [
"Engine component tier (1 - 3)": 3,
"Driver clothing items": [
"Shortname": "pants",
"SkinID": 0
"Shortname": "boots",
"SkinID": 0
"Shortname": "shirt.collared",
"SkinID": 0
"Shortname": "movembermoustache",
"SkinID": 0
"Pathfinder Debug": false,
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 4