
付费 PooBot·机器人 1.1.1

"Craft - Amount of Materials needed to craft a full robot ": 10000,
"Craft - Item ID of the material needed to craft robot (default Metal Fragments) ": 69511070,
"Fuel - Amount of fuel needed per tick to run Robot ": 5,
"Fuel - Item ID of Fuel needed to run Robot ": -946369541,
"Fuel - Seconds between fuel ticks ": 60.0,
"Gather - Ore - Amount gathered per cycle when hitting Ore nodes ": 100,
"Gather - Wood - Amount gathered per cycle when hitting Trees ": 100,
"Gather - Wood - Number of cycles before Tree is empty ": 5,
"Global - Allow Robot Repack if Robot Health is not 100% ": false,
"Global - Allow Robot Repack if Robot is under Weapons reload Cooldown ": false,
"Global - Allow Robot to damage players/buildings..etc ": false,
"Global - Allow Robot to gather resources from Tree/Ore ": true,
"Global - Do Knockback effects when robots hit each other ": true,
"Global - Enable Condition Loss when hitting other Non Robots (players, buildings, ets..) ? ": false,
"Global - Enable Condition Loss when hitting other Robots ? ": false,
"Global - Ore - Number of cycles before Ore nodes are empty ": 5,
"Global - Require Fuel to run Robot ?": false,
"Health - Minimum Health needed when repairing to stand robot back up ": 2000.0,
"Health - Starting / Max Health of all Robots ": 10000.0,
"Punch - Condition Loss - How much condidtion loss damage will robot take when punching NON robots (players, buildings..etc) ": 50.0,
"Punch - Condition Loss - How much condidtion loss damage will robot take when punching other robots ": 10.0,
"Punch - Damage - Damage to Robots when hit by other robots ": 500.0,
"Punch - Damge - Damage to Non robots entities when being hit by robot punch ": 50.0,
"Punch - Knowndown - Chances a landed robot punch will knock down a roboat for a few seconds ": 5,
"Punch - Radius - how wide of a fist will the robot have when punching and looking for something to damage ": 1.3,
"Repair - Amount of health restored by one hit when repairing ": 1000.0,
"Repair - Amount of Materials needed to repair per hit ": 100,
"Repair - Item ID of the material needed to repair (default Metal Fragments) ": 69511070,
"Rocket - Cooldown - How long must player wait to reuse the rockets on the robot ": 120