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pandaman 提交新资源:
RaidingZombies·抄家僵尸 - 让僵尸随机抄家
RaidingZombies·抄家僵尸 - 让僵尸随机抄家
他们将在漫游时遇到的地图周围的基地发射火箭并投掷 C4
JSON:"Settings": { "Chance of making group raiders": 50, "Total raiders in the group": 3, "Total Explosives each raider has": 5, "Target only bases of players he has seen": true, "How long to forget a target he has seen": 640.0, "How far the Leader will scan for a base to raid": 40.0, "How mutch scale damage explosives will do": 10.0, "Item shortname of Throwable item he can use": [...